Every time I watch a movie I wonder; how much it is related to our real life, and when I watched "Dead Poets Society" I thought "Oh my god, it's all about real life". The movie tells the story of a bunch of students in high school; their school called "Walton School" one of the most traditional schools in USA in the latest fifties. Each one of these students has a good idea about his future, or at least about what he was being prepared for according to his parents, not according to him, or to what he was capable of, and on the sight of this idea Walton School prepared students not do what they want, or what they're capable of, but to be just like their parents vision of their future.
For years, Walton School's students had to answer a question in the beginning of every year as one of the school's basic traditions. They were asked what the three major principles of Walton School are, and they have to answer by tradition, discipline and honor, the same question and the same answer every time. But only this year something happened made these bunch of students realize that there are so many right answers for the same question they have been asked for years, and this thing was the new English teacher Mr.Keating, the role performed by Robin Williams.
At the very first class, Mr.Keating told his students that they might call him Mr.Keating, or if they feel daring they can call him "O Captain My Captian" which is a quote from a poem written by American poet Walt Whitman, and with this unusual deal between a Walton's teacher and his students, Mr.Keating taught his students that they can dare him, or even dare traditions. And so, students realized for the first time that besides tradition, discipline and honor, there are so many other principles life could be built on.
Nil was one of these students, fascinated by Mr.Keating, whose father wanted him to become a doctor, while he loved acting and wanted to become an actor. Nil was approved for the leading role in some play, and knowing that his father wouldn't agree, Nil never told him about it. However his father knew and decided to punish him by leaving Walton and joining some military school. So, after his father went to bed, Nil griped his father's gun and shot himself.
Despite the dramatic end of the movie, I think it's so related to our real life, as the movie is dealing with a very important issue which we call "Generations Conflict" especially among teenagers, because at this age we start to figure out how to deal with our life, and how to make it on our own, trying to figure out what we really like, and what we dislike, and may be because we are practicing for the very first time the act of free well.
After Nil's dramatically incident, Mr.Keating was dismissed for his unusual methods of teaching that made students disobey their parents and led to Nil killing himself, and that's when students felt daring and showed their support to Mr.Keating in defiance to the headmaster by standing over their disks and calling "O Captain My Captian".
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